The range of pruning tools offered by Bahco, is extensive, satisfying the demands of professional users, discerning gardeners as well as arborists, landscapers and forestry personnel.
Generally speaking the people who use Bahco tools are concerned with the management of plants. Their goals are to maintain plants in peak condition to maximise yields, prevent disease, and to enhance their living environments.
The original Bahco secateurs and loppers were developed in the vineyards of France, particularly those of Bordeaux. As years passed, and as the quality and reliability of the tools became recognised, workers in other areas of agriculture and horticulture also began to use them. After all, a good secateur can cut an apple tree or rose just as well as it can cut a vine.
To satisfy this broadening spectrum of users, Bahco Pradines began to develop models with features and cutting capabilities which offered greater efficiency for specific tasks.
In addition to this, in recent years new materials and manufacturing technologies have enabled the Bahco engineers to design many new tools which exploit the advantages of high-tech materials, resulting in the broadest range of top quality professional pruning tools in the world.
The Bahco range of tools is extensive and we offer various selected items from the range, falling into one of the following categories :
Please click on your area of interest above.
Bahco has an extensive range of tools for use in agriculture, horticulture and forestry. If you do not find an item on our website and believe Bahco has what you are looking for, then please do not hesitate to "Contact us"