Grow Tubes

Cape Agricultural Products is proud to offer Snap N' Grow premium grow tubes to the vineyard industry in South Africa.

Thousands of grape farmers in South Africa and around the world have profited from the use of grow tubes.

Grow tubes offer several profit-increasing benefits:

  • Faster first year vine growth, leading to earlier, larger harvests
  • Protection from animal damage
  • Shelter from herbicide spray for faster, easier first year weed control operations
  • Vines reach the cordon wire with no tying, saving several trips through the vineyard training vines
  • Reduction in first year water requirements

  • Kliek hier vir 10 goeie redes waarom jy Snap N' Grow moet gebruik[91Kb]

    Farmers that closely scrutinize their first year weed control, training or animal damage prevention/correction costs quickly see the benefits.
    In most cases the above benefits more than pay for the cost of the grow tubes, with the others accruing directly to the bottom line.

    In order to provide the full range of benefits a grow tube must possess certain characteristics:

    1. A minimum of 62 square centimeters in cross-sectional area in order to produce balanced top and root growth. Smaller tubes tend to produce tall, spindly vines with poor root development; larger tubes produce even thicker-stemmed vines with very vigorous root systems.

    2. The colour must have been tested over a wide range of climatic conditions, and optimise the transmission of photosynthesis-enhancing light.

    3. Functionally, the tube must be fast and easy to assemble, and must remain intact under windy conditions.

    The Snap N’ Grow tube has a unique design that makes it the first and only grow tube able to offer ventilation without sacrificing herbicide protection.
    Moulded into Snap N’ Grow's snapping “fins” or “flanges” are S-shaped ventilation channels that allow air exchange but block herbicide spray.

    Cooler air can enter the tube to moderate temperature and moisture levels. This reduces vine stress in hot areas, and according to Snap N’ Grow users worldwide reduces the incidence of leaf diseases due to excess moisture in the tubes.

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